Well, I nearly didn't make it past the first day! I remembered just in time as I was going to bed - so just a short one today. The heat is starting to get to me but it's the humidity that is the worst, 83% at the moment, I have the fan going flat out but it seems like it's just moving hot air around!
DH is off for another week so we've decided to try and tame our garden, a very miniscule one thank goodness! When we moved nearly 9 years ago we were disappointed to find the builders had already covered the ground with black polythene and bark without first replacing the soil that had been removed, hence it's just compacted clay underneath! All the local cats think it's their own personal toilet so we've decided to remove everything and cover it again with something they won't like, probably a small stone chip of some sort. That is going to take us at least all week and probably more so not much time out for doing any photowalking of note but I promise I will post some photos soon, as soon as I get time to sort them out.
In the meantime here's a digital layout I did of DGS Harry on xmas day.

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